Biology 101, Morning after pill and fertilization(life)…

Fertilization, Life Begins!Life begins at fertilization, not implantation.

 This article by Illinois right to life.

 In the last several months, the media has praised “birth control” kits, “morning-after” pills, and “emergency contraceptives” as inexpensive and effective ways to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse.

 This claim to fame is based on the widespread notion that pregnancy begins when an embryo implants in the uterine wall. However, the accurate biological fact is that an individual entity of the species homo sapiens has begun to grow and live days before implantation, at fertilization.


The claim that morning-after pills (3-4 doses of chemical contraceptives) “prevent pregnancy” attempts to distinguish the pills from the notorious RU-486, making them more attractive to young women than the controversial French abortion pill.

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNE) “is getting out the information about this product through radio messages, mass mailings and personal ads,” said Jim Sedlak of STOPP International. All the ads call the drugs “birth control” rather than “abortions.” Why? PPNE makes an estimated $10 on every $12 “emergency contraceptive” kit sold.

 (The Ryan Report, 9/9 8)

“Morning-after” pills take lives more often than they prevent pregnancy. Preven, for example, consists of taking two oral contraceptive pills within 72 hours of intercourse and then another two pills 12 hours later. But fertilization, the beginning of a new life, can occur within 30 minutes of sexual contact!


Usually, implantation occurs about 5-9 days after conception. “After fertilization, the pre-implantation embryo remains extremely vulnerable. The “morning-after” pill, with its high estrogen content, alters the endometrium so that implantation fails to occur…” (Human Embryology and Developmental Biology,” Bruce M. Carlson, M.D., Ph.D., 1994, p. 110) When a fertilized embryo is prevented from implanting in his mother’s uterus, he cannot get the nutrients he needs to thrive and subsequently, dies of starvation. This process is a chemical abortion.



Several reporters are ignorant of these simple facts and some label the biology of reproduction a “radical” opinion. Judy Peres of the Chicago Tribune writes, “The medical definitions of pregnancy – unlike some religious definitions – is (sic) based on implantation, not fertilization.” John Lowy of the Chicago Sun-Times reports a “widespread belief among anti-abortion activists” that life begins at the moment of fertilization.



This belief is based on science, which defines the meeting of the sperm and ovum as fertilization/conception, the time at which the genetic code is established. The words fertilization and conception were interchangeable until 1965 when the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists redefined conception as implantation to accommodate a pressing need to exclude the Pill and the IUD as abortifacients. In fact, both of these “contraceptives” as well as Norplant, Preven and Depo-Provera prevent implantation, that is they cause early abortions. The question to ask is, “If life begins at implantation, what is being implanted?” It is the new human being conceived at fertilization.



Yet the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certified in March 1997 that morning-after pills were “safe and effective” and since then, the sale of “at-home” abortions disguised as birth control has skyrocketed. In Seattle alone, more than 2,000 doses were dispensed in three months time. Judie Brown of the American Life League said, “It was the FDA’s own initiative that got the ball rolling on this dangerous and deadly drug.”



Long-time pro-lifer Dianne N. Irving, M.A., Ph.D. declared, “Every human being begins at fertilization as a single-cell embryo – the zygote. What follows is not my opinion, nor is it a religious or a “faith” position. In fact, it is not even a “pro-life” opinion. It is hard, cold, unrelenting, objective, scientific fact – and the FDA knows it.”



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