
Adoption the Compasionate choice!


I would like to provide links for assistance in adoption as well as some information!Adoption is sometimes overlooked or possibly looked down on in our society, ironically we are more excepting of abortion ( death/killing of a innocent child) in this country then we are of a responsible, loving, respectable and compassionate thing such as adoption. I think that is pretty sick and very sad, I have my heart set on assisting people into thinking differently a change of heart on these issues as you probably noticed by my group lOL.

I also greatly respect those who adopt children into their families and I will never hesitate to say more families need to step up!!

One of my favorite saying is ” Some babies die by chance NO baby should die by choice”

For me I take it very seriously and although I have not been faced with a tragic thing like loosing a child I have some dear family who have. It is bad enough Mothers, Fathers and families have to go threw something so unexplainable and devastating as loosing a child, It is quit another to think of the thousands of woman who kill their own children everyday!

I feel very strongly that Mothers or Fathers for that matter should Keep their own children and make it work for the better, but I do understand that some parents may not be equipped or stable enough, at the time to care for their own children not that they couldn’t get there if they desired to. What ever the situation the only thing that really matters is the children. That is ware adoption comes in.



I respect anyone who can see the value in life!

For assistance: In adopting a child or giving up a child for adoption

Adoption Network


Courageous choice


Thinking about Adoption

Crisis pregnancy

These are only a few sites that I found which looked great, it is up to you to do your own research and find the right place which you trust!

Please way the risks and benefits and never underestimate your self and the level of success you can accomplish with your child and in all that you do! We are created for success we can do great things so can your child!

May God be with the Mothers who choose to give up their children unselfishly and to those who love and cherish these children as their own! May God bless them all and be with them always! Amen






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