What is the Unborn? #3

By Joanne S

If you have read my other posts what is the Unborn parts #1 #2 then you know we have already established that the Unborn is a Human Being separate from its Mother. Clearly if The Unborn are indeed Human beings then abortion is in fact destroying a innocent Human being.

For me and many of you this is more than enough evidence of the Humanity of the Unborn People. And they should be looked at as Human beings worthy of protection as all of us born people are worthy.

The next question is are the Unborn alive? we know they are human beings they cannot be anything else. Are they living?

Something that is living will grow, develop, change characteristics. Like a seed growing and changing into a flower we know its alive.

Does the Unborn fetus share these characteristics? Yes, we know that from the moment of fertilization the Unborn grow, develop and change moving from one stage of development to another starting with fertilization. This will continue until the end of the Persons life.

What else makes us Alive? Some will say Normal brain function, heart beat, the ability to feel pain, these are valid points, but do these things make us alive or are they characteristics of being alive? If the zygote were not alive it would not develop into an embryo and at 21 days the heart could not begin to beat nore would the brain develop and the fetus continue to grow.

I will show you that normal brain function, heart beat and the ability to feel pain are only characteristics of being alive and not what makes us Alive.

Normal Brain function:most of us have normal brain function and yes we know we are alive, but what about those People who do not have normal brain function those with Down syndrome, sever autism, those who are in a comma and all those who suffer from debilitating brain disorders.                                                 Are these People No longer Alive because of their brains inability to function normally? should they be considered not living Human beings? And should it be ok to kill them? Absolutely not!

Heart Beat: True if our heart stops we die, clearly our heart function is needed to sustain our life. Our heart begins beating at 21 Days after conception.                   I mentioned before that Life must be present first or the changes necessary for the heart to begin beating will not happen. So while our heart beat is necessary to sustain life it is not what makes us Alive.

The ability to feel pain:Pain is a common characteristic of life, many things in life will cause us to feel pain, but the ability to feel pain does not make us alive.  What about those who suffer with Riley Day Syndrome a serious disorder which causes an individual not to be able to experience pain, inability to feel pain. Are these people know longer living are these people not to be considered alive? simply because they cannot feel pain? No  Clearly the ability to feel pain does not make us Alive, but a common characteristic of most of our lives.

Their is evidence that the fetus can feel pain, at least at a certain point in their development, but as I  have demonstrated  even if a One cannot feel pain the, inability to feel pain this is not what makes us Living or Alive. If it did then those who cannot feel pain are technically dead.

American pain society

Abortion Facts


What about breathing: some will say that the fetus is not alive because it hasn’t taken its first breath. True we need to do some form of breathing in order to sustain our life, but is normal breathing what makes us Alive? What about those who need Oxygen in order for them to breath, What about those People who need a respirator to breath? are these people not alive simply because they need assistance to breath so they don’t die? NO

Clearly breathing is a characteristic of life, not what makes us Alive, yes we need to breath to stay alive but it does not make us alive.

At 12 weeks the fetus not only can move around, curl fingers and toes but it also Breaths amniotic fluid to help develop its respiratory system..

So What have we learned I hope that you have fallowed my journal posts 3 part series What is the Unborn?. Thanks for reading

 I have demonstrated that the Unborn are Fully Human, separate form the Mother with a separate DNA, I have also demonstrated that the Unborn are indeed Alive. So now What if the Unborn fetus is a living Human being and if Abortion is ending their life then Abortion would be a murderous act against another Human Being. Not cool, Not Moral, Not just.

Common characteristics of being alive. growth, development, change. these are the most common characteristics that will tell us if somthing is alive or not, the Unborn in all stages of development from fertilization to the end of their lives clearly meet all of these requirements to determine if something is alive. and since a Human sperm and Human ovum can only create a Human then the Unborn Human is in fact Human and alive.

The other things that I have mentioned in this post are clearly only   common characteristics of being alive and not what makes us or the unborn alive. I have also shown you that not even all People will share these same characteristics.


 Read What is the Unborn part #1 & #2 if you have not already Thanks

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