What is the Unborn? #1

By Joanne S
This post is intended for a serious discussion of the question What is the Unborn? This post is mainly for  Woman who feel abortion  should be a legal choice for woman. This is also intended for those of you who say you are pro-life but the legal choice should be available to woman.  I will point out the problems with this argument.      ( Pictures and info on fetal development )

I understand when you say that illegal abortions are not safe abortions. But I say that if the Unborn are indeed Human beings then why should it be safer for the Mother to have the Human Being killed?. if so it would make sense to make all murder legal so that the perpetrater can have a safe, legal environment in which to do the act. not logicalso please read and I do not intend to be anything other than logical and analytical. I will not be hateful so please don’t be hateful to me or anyone else.

It is apparent to me that most of you who are for a woman’s chioce agree that the Unborn are a living human being but it should be the mothers choice to have an abortion because the child is living inside of her body so their for it is her body her choice.

I will argue that when a Woman has an abortion it is not just a surgical procedure on her own body but also in violation of an other’s body the Unborn Human being and indeed is Killing it.

True the Unborn are Human beings and True that the Unborn live inside of the Mothers Body, but the Unborn Human being is not! the Mothers body it is separate from the Mothers body. This is why

At conception the new Human being has 46 chromosomes, 23 from Mom and 23 from Dad, if the Unborn were not separate from the Mother this would mean that the Mother herself has 92 chromosomes. It can be proven that a pregnant Woman does not have an extra 46 chromosomes within her own  DNA .

At conception the one cell contains the complex genetic blueprint for every detail of a Human being.
sex, hair and skin color, & height.  If you take an embryo of a black couple and implant it into a white woman 9 months later when the baby is born you will still have a black baby the baby didn’t change it is still the same person. If the Unborn were part of the woman’s body and not separate from her, then technically it would be identical to her with her DNA not a completely separate one.

Many times the Unborn baby will have a completely separate blood type than that of the Mothers.

A woman can be carrying a male or female, If it were part of the Mothers body then their would be no males because a woman can’t have a penis, yet a separate entity living inside of her has one. ( at 10 weeks sex organs are developed )

At 20 Days the Foundation of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system are already established. We do not say that a pregnant woman has two nervous systems.

At 21 Days the heart begins to beat. We do not say that a pregnant woman has two hearts. I don’t know of any human being who has two hearts..

The Unborn’s Nervous system is completely separate from the Mothers, the Unborn’s heart is completely separate from the Mothers.

At Day 40 the brain waves can be detected and recorded, the fetus’s Brain waves completely separate then the Mothers.

At 12 weeks the Unborn sleeps, awakens and exercises its muscles turning its head, curling its fingers, toes and opening and closing its mouth. completely independently of His/her Mother.

The Unborn is a completely separate entity from its Mother and not merely a part of her.

I think we will all agree that it is not ok to end the life of an innocent Human being, that would be murder.

We can argue until we are blue in the safe but the only real question remains, what is the Unborn? A Human being worthy of equal rights. Or not Human at all.

I will say that if the Unborn were not Human beings at all. then their is no  issue and abortion is merely a surgical procedure nothing else.


I have used the Term fetus to describe the stage in development  of the Unborn, zygote, embryo and fetus are medical term used to describe the offspring of any species of mammal this is not a term used only in Humans. The difference is when used in the K9 species it means an unborn K9. In the feline species it means feline, when these terms are used in Humans It can only Mean one thing an Unborn Human Being.

I have heard some say its not a baby its a fetus, but fetus is not a species it is a tile, we have many tiles given to us threw out are lives although the titles change our Humanity does not we are still Human Beings regardless of the title we happen to have at the time, when you are a toddler that is your tile describing your developmental stage, when you are a teen that is a title used to describe your stage  in development.

Please read, What is the Unborn part #2

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