Silent Scream Video! Ultrasound guided abortion In the first trimester of life!

America will Not Reject Abortion Until America Sees Abortion!


The silent scream.

Silent Scream, this is a video of an ultrasound image of a first trimester baby being aborted ( Killed )


Go to this link and on the right side their is English text and then a rectangle box which says something about a video you must check that you are 18 or older first then click on it and the video will play. I will say this is graphic, the most graphic I have ever seen, but you should watch it because unless you know the truth and see it for your self you cannot make a real decision on abortion and if you are pro-choice then at least know what your defending..Hispanics for life click here to see the video.

Yet another video of abortion, but if you are serious about having an abortion then you must inform your self as to what it actually will do to your baby and what it has done to over a million more innocent Unborn Human babies. Please watch!

This video is of a compilation of abortion photos and film of aborted babies.abort73 click here to see this video

Father Frank Pavone videos on abortion Fr. Frank Pavone has posted three videos on You Tube in which he demonstrates the most common abortion procedures, using the actual abortion instruments and fetal models.




Hundreds of images of aborted children see just what abortion really is!

Choice Nazi see more images of aborted children as well as information on abortion!

The centers for bio-ethical reform see more images of aborted children as well as information.